Big News!

So for the past two months I will admit I have done next to nothing on my blog, for my shop, and even very little sewing. And here is why: We found out we were pregnant at the end of April and were beyond thrilled and excited! The past 8 weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions, as I’m sure it will be to come! I have had such little energy that I am sad to say I haven’t made a plush since the beginning of April! In April I was tired all the time and had no idea why, until we checked this out!

May led to our first ultra sound where we saw our little blob and found out we were due Dec. 23rd. Because of sweet baby this will be our first Florida Christmas! May was very tiring and exhausting, falling asleep by 9 pm. Hey, I would sleep any chance I got.

June has been great. I am finally getting energy back, and even though I haven’t sewn any plush yet I made four embroidered baby bibs, couldn’t resist! We also had our second ultra sound last week. It was the NT Scan to check for Down’s Syndrome which everything turned out fine. And lucky us had such a clear scan that we found out we are having a Baby Girl! Just what I always wanted, our little dream coming true! She was bopping along in there, waving, and I couldn’t feel a thing. Very bizarre. We also got bumped up two days, to Dec. 21st, my husband’s birthday. He is thrilled.Today marks Week 13 Day 3. Super-Grandma is coming down tomorrow for a week filled of shopping and sewing, it will be a great start to vacation!


  1. carolina says:

    congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! I wish you a wonderful pregnancy

  2. Laurie says:

    Congratulations!!! What wonderful news for you and your hubby! And on his birthday! Woweeee! I'm thrilled for you – even though I really don't "know" you – I know that this will be the beginning of a wonderful journey of life. Congratulations!

  3. Sarah says:

    Thank is wonderful news! Congratulations, and what a cutie pie your baba already is ;)
    Big hugs from me,

    Sarah x
    Dolly Donations: Sending Love, 1 Dolly at a Time!

  4. Sarah says:

    Congratulations to you both, and here's to a healthy, happy family!

  5. Christine Burgess says:


  6. Kelly Warren says:

    congratulations! babies are the most wonderful thing on God's green earth. :-)

  7. Living Creatively says:

    Congratulations!! There is no better gift than a child! :D
    So happy for you!

  8. Audrey says:

    Congratulations Ellen!!
    The tired all the time will pass but get all the rest you can. The "nesting" will start next.
    Many Blessings!

  9. bamf27 says:

    Damnit! Now I've got some competition. :oP j/k Congrats on your new "tenant"!!! Let me know when you start craving food ALL the time so I can get my baking chops ironed out. "Baking"…"Ironing"? Last time I checked I was pretty sure I was a guy…anyways…if you need any help carrying stuff up and down the stairs, I still have 3 more months of "alumni privileges" at the school, so I can be there to help you out.
    Congrats again!!!

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